A Lifetime of Putting Nutrition First
Dr. Richard Kunin MD, formulator of all the Ola Loa products, is a nutrition oriented physician and Orthomolecular specialist with over forty years of experience in the nutrition medicine field. He pioneered the use of vitamins and minerals in today’s medical practice and was a co-founder of the Orthomolecular Medical Society with Dr. Linus Pauling in 1976.
Dr. Kunin has written many books including Mega Nutrition and Mega Nutrition for Women and has plans for future book releases as well. With many published articles to his credit, Dr. Kunin is well known for his contributions in The Townsend Letter, San Francisco Medicine and other scientific journals and publications. In 1994, he founded the Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine (OHM) in San Francisco, a large and well respected professional organization whose mission is to put nutrition first in the practice of medicine. Through this organization, Dr. Kunin brings together medical doctors and other health practitioners to discuss current nutritional approaches to treating disease states.
In Dr. Kunin’s own medical clinic, he practices a strategy of nutrition, detoxification and adaptive support that integrates all aspects of modern preventive health care.
In creating Ola Loa, Dr. Kunin utilized his extensive knowledge of how nutrients work in the body, with the understanding that liquid nutrients absorb better than pills. He created Ola Loa as a means to provide you with the best, most advanced nutrition foundation available.
Dr. Kunin served on the Board of Governors of the National Health Federation (NHF), a not-for-profit consumer education and health-protection organization founded in 1955. Dr. Kunin's bio from the NHF website contains an extensive listing of Dr. Kunin's nutrition research and medical achievements. Another profile article that appeared in the organization's Health Freedom News™ magazine can be viewed at THIS LINK. A more extensive list of his accomplishments can be found on our website in his Curriculum Vitae page. Longtime friend Michael Savage dedicates a portion of one of his podcasts to Dr. Kunin's life of work at THIS LINK.
In 2019, Dr. Kunin was honored with the National Health Federation's Health Freedom Hero award for his lifetime of historic work in the fields of nutrition and orthomolectular medicine, as well as his decades of service with the organization. Read more about that HERE.