Ola Loa is long life in Hawaiian

Ola Loa is long life in Hawaiian

Ola Loa is long life in Hawaiian


Learn about the three key aspects of Ola Loa products which help to make them superior to other brands.

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Ola Loa Products are formulated to provide Advanced Methylation Support™



Ola Loa products are formulated to provide Advanced Methylation Support™ which is the key to Energy, Endurance & Recovery.



Muscle and Cell energy regulators are produced through the methylation cycle, including Creatine, Carnitine, CoQ 10, Calmodulin and SAMe.



As sodium leaves the cell the cell shrinks leading to fatigue. Betaine and Glycine extend the life of your cells and offer osmolyte support.



Ola Loa's antioxidant and advanced methylation support leads to a speedy recovery from work/exercise, helping you to feel your best!

Cherry Flavor B-12

$26.99 each

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CLICK HERE to view a PDF version of the Ola Loa B-12 Supplement Facts suitable for printing.

Ola Loa B-12 is sold in bottles of 60 dissolve-under-the-tongue lozenges, proved at $26.99.
  • Ola Loa Cherry Flavor Sublingual B-12

    This Ola Loa Cherry Flavor Sublingual B-12 (HydroxyCobalamin) product is the "mother" of all B-12's. Typically this form of B-12 is only available through a Nutrition Medical Doctor. It is the body's preferred form of vitamin B-12—referred to as being the "natural transport factor" for Cobalamin. Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12 provides greater absorption and better utilization than any other form of B-12.

    Vegan Formula ~ Sublingual activated tablet ~ Promotes energy, nerve and brain support ~ Advanced formula with Active Folate and activated Hydroxy B-12

    Ola Loa's sublingual B-12 is paired with the preferred form of Active-Folate (Folinic Acid), which work together in tandem. Ola Loa has been committed to providing the very best form of Vitamin B-12 since we released our first product in 1999. We agree with many in the scientific community that no one should use Cyanide B-12 (CyanoCobalamin), an inexpensive form is used in virtually all supplements that contain vitamin B-12.

    Feel the difference Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12 makes, and get the benefits of the best B-12 on the market today.



    Vegetarian diets - B-12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods. Plants are not a reliable source of B-12.
    Alcohol consumption - Excessive intake of alcohol in the diet is known to deplete B-12.
    Digestive disorders - Celiac Disease and Crohn's Disease all deplete B-12.
    Medications - Medications for diabetes or long-term use of acid reflux drugs; Stomach bypass surgery; Nitrous Oxide or "laughing gas" during surgery and unregulated Nitric Oxide are known causes of B-12 depletion.
    Intrinsic Factors - A protein in the stomach allows the absorption of most B-12, so if you have weak Intrinsic Factor you will not absorb much B-12.


  • Which Vitamin B-12 is BETTER?

    Ola Loa Sublingual B-12 (HydroxyCobalamin) is the "mother" of all B-12's—typically available only through a Nutrition Medical Doctor. It uses the body's preferred form of vitamin B-12, and is referred to as being the "natural transport factor" for Cobalamin. It provides greater absorption and better utilization than any other form of B-12, and it's the form we use in Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12.

    There are numerous forms of vitamin B-12 found in supplements:

    Cyanocobalamin (NOT SO GOOD)

    • Cyanocobalamin (Cyanide B-12) is found in most B-12 supplements because it is cheaper than other forms of B-12.
    • Cyanocobalamin is a B-12 molecule bound to a toxic cyanide molecule. Too much Cyanocobalamin can be toxic.
    • The Cyanocobalamin form of B-12 is not used efficiently by the body, mostly excreted out of your body in about 5 hours.

    Methylcobalamin (BETTER)

    • Methylcobalamin may interefere with the body's natural methyl transfer from folate to cobalamin resulting in impaired DNA replication.

    Hydroxycobalamin (THE BEST... it's what we use in Ola Loa B-12!)

    • Hydroxycobalamin is not Intrinsic Factor dependent as is Methyl-B-12. Hydroxy B-12 can also bind to plasma proteins offering greater absorption and transportability, as well as increased availability in circulation.
    • Hydroxy B-12 stays active in the body for 5 days or more! It remains longer than CyanoCobalamin and is absorbed up to 300% better than Methylcobalamin
    • Hydroxy B-12 is the only form of B-12 which detoxifies Cyanide, Ammonia, Sulfite, and unregulated Nitric Oxide (which can become pro-inflammatory). Unregulated Nitric Oxide is, in fact, the hallmark of inflammation.
    • Hydroxycobalamin is the only form of Vitamin B-12 which can penetrate the Mitochondria.
    • Hydroxy B-12 makes more AdenosyCobalamin (the other active form of B-12) than any other form of B-12.
    Methyl B-12 chart


    Yes, it's Worth Repeating...

    Ola Loa Sublingual B-12 (HydroxyCobalamin) is the "mother" of all B-12's—typically available only through a Nutrition Medical Doctor. It is the body's preferred form of vitamin B-12, and is referred to as being the "natural transport factor" for Cobalamin. Simply stated, Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12 provides greater absorption and better utilization than any other form of B-12.

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    For best results viewing the Supplement Facts, rotate your mobile device to its wide/landscape orientation.

    Ola Loa B-12 Ingredients and Supplement Facts

    Each Packet of Ola Loa B-12 Contains:


    amount per tablet

    %Daily Value

    Vitamin B-12 (as Hydroxycobalamin)

    1000 mcg


    Folate (as Quatrefolic® (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt) 400 mcg DFE 100%


Ola Loa Products are formulated to provide Advanced Methylation Support™



Ola Loa products are formulated to provide Advanced Methylation Support™ which is the key to Energy, Endurance & Recovery.



Muscle and Cell energy regulators are produced through the methylation cycle, including Creatine, Carnitine, CoQ 10, Calmodulin and SAMe.



As sodium leaves the cell the cell shrinks leading to fatigue. Betaine and Glycine extend the life of your cells and offer osmolyte support.



Ola Loa's antioxidant and advanced methylation support leads to a speedy recovery from work/exercise, helping you to feel your best!

Ola Loa Products are formulated to provide Advanced Methylation Support™



Ola Loa products are formulated to provide Advanced Methylation Support™ which is the key to Energy, Endurance & Recovery.



Muscle and Cell energy regulators are produced through the methylation cycle, including Creatine, Carnitine, CoQ 10, Calmodulin and SAMe.



As sodium leaves the cell the cell shrinks leading to fatigue. Betaine and Glycine extend the life of your cells and offer osmolyte support.



Ola Loa's antioxidant and advanced methylation support leads to a speedy recovery from work/exercise, helping you to feel your best!

Nutrition Articles

Nutrition Articles

Informative articles by Richard Kunin, MD, Antioxident Therapy pioneer and bestselling author

Ola Loa Blog

Ola Loa Blog

Short articles and stories about various topics, written by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Greg Kunin

Look for Ola Loa products at these fine locations

Ola Loa is available at many natural food vendors throughout the USA, Canada and United Kingdom. These are a few of the many vendors who carry the Ola Loa product line.

Ola Loa is available at many natural food vendors throughout the USA, Canada and United Kingdom. These are a few of the many vendors who carry the Ola Loa product line.

Whole Foods logo Ralphs logo Raleys logo Down To Earth logo Sprouts logo

New Leaf logo Natural Grocers logo Vitamin Shoppe logo